arterial blood vessel

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  1. Arterial occlusive diseases; Lower extremities ischemia; Blood vessel prosthesis; Vascular surgical procedures.
  2. Main characteristics of essential hypertension are high arterial blood pressure with functional and organic injury of heart, brain, kidney, blood vessel and so on.
  3. A stent is essentially a small piece of metal "scaffolding" that pushes arterial plaque to the side and provides a framework to keep the blood vessel open so that the blood can flow freely through it.
  4. Objective: Effects of Mg2+ on Ca2+-activated K+ channel ( Kca) in porcine coronary arterial smooth muscle cells were studied to reveal the electrophysiological mechanism about the effects of mg2+ on the dilatation of blood vessel.
  5. The modified Windkessel model was used to calculate the arterial compliance and inertance of blood in arterial vessel.
  6. Arterial primary or patch repair was performed in 28 cases, end-to-end anastomosis in 37 cases, saphenous vein graft used in 32 cases, prosthetic graft bypass in 23 cases, thrombectomy in 2 cases and blood vessel ligation in 3 cases.
  7. For a quantitative analysis of the influence of the arterial stenoses on the blood velocities of human bodies, this paper gives the analytical expressions of the blood velocities of the steady flow and the pulsatile flow in the narrow section in the blood vessel.
  8. Detecting PWV can be used to evaluate the function of arterial elasticity, identify the early pathological signs of the arterial wall and forecast the blood vessel events.
  9. Platelet 、 fibrinogen and thrombin plays a key role in the process of angioplasty 、 rupture of arterial atheromatous plaque or other factors resulting in injury of the wall of blood vessel.
  10. 【 Objective 】 To summarize the method and clinical result of repairing traumatic peripheral arterial defect by Polytetrafluoroethylene ( ePTFE) blood vessel graft, discuss the way of preventing the infection of vessel anastomosis.
  11. 【 Conclusion 】 The decrease of diastolic pressure 、 mean arterial blood pressure and increase of urine volume in patients after paracentesis may be related to the decreased resistance of blood vessel and the increased effective volume of blood.
  12. Conclusions Losartan was effective in reducing hypertension, it also could decrease the renal arterial vessel resistance and increase the renal blood flow and improve the renal vessel structure, decrease the concentration of β 2-MG in blood and urine, and then improved renal function.
  13. Results: The DSA findings consisted of stenosis and/ or occlusion of arteries, ulcers of arterial wall, torturing and prolongation of blood vessel, and collateral circulation formation.
  14. The 2 cases of presumptive subclavian arterial aneurysm involved the aortic arch underwent the artificial blood vessel replacement or plasty respectively.
  15. In particularly, arterial thrombosis is based on blood vessel wall pathological changes, artery straitness and/ or hyperkinesias, platelet activated by abnormal blood stream.